Fiber-Optic Installation Cables from ACT

Fixed Fiber-Optic cabling Fixed cabling, also known as installation cabling, is usually delivered on a reel. These cables can be used indoors or outdoors. The external cabling is suitable for housing directly in the floor without mechanical protection. The installation cable is used to protect the glass fibre and is therefore supplied with the following functions: - Mechanical protection against external influences such as UV radiation, water and rodents - Strain relief Strain relief is very important because glass fibres are sensitive to tensile stress. The use of aramid or a similar material prevents tensile stress. Internal wiring Must comply with the fire protection regulations. The behaviour of the cable in the event of a fire must be considered, with particular attention given to the following points: - Spread of fire and heat - Smoke development - Burning behaviour, falling particles (droplets) - Toxicity / acidity of the combustion gases These fire protection requirements are regulated in the European Construction Products Regulation (CPR). "Tight buffered" cable “Tight buffered” cables are also known as distribution cables or mini breakout cables. These cables are mostly used as backbone cabling or to expand the product on which the FTTx cabling "enters" the system. On the other hand, breakout cables are used for the direct connection of devices, e.g. Security cameras or media extensions used.